CBC Fremantle | In Touch

In The Blink Of An Eye

In the blink of an eye, we are nearly through another school year. Term 4 is upon us and with the Year 12 leaders having been farewelled in a beautiful assembly on the last Friday of Term 3, the challenge for all the boys is to now step up. I know they will. 20240805-img_1657-edited.jpg

The past few weeks have had some sad moments for me to process. Aldrin Thomas, Dux of the Class of 2015 was laid to rest after a short battle with cancer and Roberto Lo Presti's (Class of 2006) funeral last week was attended by well over 1000 people at the Basilica, and even more at the cemetery. What was evident to me was that on both occasions the grieving families were supported by their CBC brethren and that that support appears to provide some solace. I wrote about the importance of community in the recent Touchstone, and certainly the value of community was evidenced on both these sad circumstances, but it should not be the only time the benefits of community come to the fore.

Each and every day, your son should feel a sense of belonging at CBC Fremantle. Each and every day he should feel loved, welcomed and nourished. I am greatly saddened when I hear and read of circumstances in newspapers and media outlets across the country where that is not the case for some. I reaffirm my commitment to you all that your son should feel safe at school and remind you to pick up the phone and call the College, or me personally, when you feel your son's journey is what I promised at enrolment.

Before I close, just some logistical information. The building works are near completion, with only a few minor defects being rectified and certification imminent. The HASS Office has been relocated from the Administration Building, to alongside Room 105. Two hundred new lockers are in place and some of your sons will have been displaced from their temporary arrangements outside the Junior Science Lab. Please ask your son if he emptied his locker last term, to make sure he brings his lock to school on the first day of Term 4 ready for his new/reassigned locker. Heads of House should be all over this, but if there are any issues, please contact your relevant Head of House.

There are some changes to Graduation and Awards' Ceremonies this year. Following some feedback from parents and after a process of consultation, the Year 12 Graduation will conflate with the Year 12 Awards and be held at the Esplanade Hotel on Tuesday 15 October at 6.00pm following a 4.30pm Mass at St Patrick's Basilica. The other years will have individual Awards' Ceremonies during the day later in the school year where the whole cohort will be able to celebrate their peers' achievements. Please contact the College if you need any information about these important events.

Finally, can I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your continued support. I wish you and, importantly, your sons, a fantastic final term for 2024 and look forward to catching up with as many of you as possible.

Domenic Burgio

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