Forming Gentlemen through Kindness

Welcome back to the 2024 school year at CBC Fremantle! As we embark on this new academic journey, we extend a warm greeting to both familiar faces and newcomers to the CBC community. Our shared commitment to shaping good young gentlemen is at the core of everything we do and together, we look forward to another year of growth, learning and camaraderie. web-photo.jpg

This week, we've been captivated by the inspiring tales of Mr Burgio's overseas adventures. Those who have had the pleasure of meeting him know the passionate approach he brings to life, especially when it comes to our beloved CBC Fremantle and the incredible people who make up our community.

Child safety remains the primary focus at CBC Fremantle, and Mr Burgio together with dedicated College staff, are unwavering in their commitment to this cause. Each student has received a personal address from Mr Burgio, emphasising the non-negotiables at our College. We stand united against the presence of drugs, vapes and phones in bathrooms, affirming that every student has the right to feel safe and supported within the CBC Fremantle community.

At CBC Fremantle, we don't just preach kindness; we strive to actively model it in all our interactions. Kindness, characterised by being friendly, considerate, and compassionate, is the cornerstone of positive relationships. It encompasses simple gestures, such as offering a helping hand, to more significant actions that contribute positively to the lives of those around us.

This week, I've had the privilege of accompanying our Year 7 students at camp, where acts of kindness were a daily occurrence. It was heartwarming to witness the friendly encouragement and supportive words exchanged among peers, particularly when someone faced a challenge. Simple gestures like a smile or a pat on the back truly made a difference.

One moment that left a lasting impression on me was on the final day, during afternoon tea, when the boys were served sausage rolls. Two of them approached me and asked if it was their last time in the dining hall. When I confirmed, they promptly returned to the servery and expressed gratitude to the staff for providing the food throughout the camp. This simple act of kindness and appreciation had a profound impact, making the staff feel genuinely valued and appreciated.

As we set the tone for the 2024 school year, we recognise the transformative power of kindness in positively impacting students. This goes beyond the classroom walls, involving a collaborative partnership among students, parents, and teachers. When each party consistently demonstrates kindness towards one another, it creates a supportive and encouraging environment for students to thrive.

Teachers contribute to this environment by displaying kindness in their interactions with students, offering constructive feedback, understanding individual needs, and providing a nurturing space for learning. Parents play a crucial role by actively engaging in acts of kindness within the educational community, supporting school initiatives and commitments, and fostering positive communication with teachers.

Moreover, students themselves actively participate in cultivating a culture of kindness through acts of empathy, collaboration with peers, and a commitment to creating an inclusive and respectful school environment.

As we collectively prioritise kindness in our interactions and partnerships, we lay the foundation for a positive and thriving community at CBC Fremantle. Here's to a fantastic year ahead, filled with shared kindness and the growth of our remarkable young gentlemen.

Mr Brent Butcher
Vice Principal

9 February 2024