Welcome back the new school year!

Welcome back to the new school year! I am so happy to be back and look forward to a positive contribution from all our boys throughout 2024. I eagerly anticipate sharing the excitement and the challenges of this next year of their life's journey. I also welcome those students and families who are joining us for the first time and hope they find a sense of belonging, care and commitment. edit_img_7532.jpg

The College continues to attract an unprecedented number of applications for future enrolment. Our results in 2023, across all areas were outstanding. The number of apprenticeships, Certificates and successful University admissions, as well as nearly 50% of our ATAR students achieving in the top 10% of all ATAR students were all worthy achievements. But as I stated on our Facebook post, 'any metric of success is diminished if you are not a good person. Build on the values your family and school share to maximise all your talents'.

Your son should, and I'm sure he does, value his place at CBC Fremantle. It is important he understands the culture of the College and, with your help and the help of his teachers, the attributes we are all trying to achieve in our boys will continue to be reinforced. With your support in partnering the College, today's boy will develop into tomorrow's gentleman, a gentleman who explicitly expresses the following attributes:

  • The CBC Gentleman is one who forms attitudes and actions based on Gospel values.
  • The CBC Gentleman always gives of his best and understands the inherent value of doing so.
  • The CBC Gentleman is accountable, resilient, and able to face challenges.
  • The CBC Gentleman is selfless by nature and able to form positive, mutually beneficial relationships.
  • The CBC Gentleman recognises and values the 'other' in his life.

I am sure if these ideals form the basis of all his decision-making, 2024 will be an outstanding year for him as he develops into the young adult we would hope him to be. This year I will be meeting all your sons on their first day to remind them of the support and care they will be shown and of the reciprocal obligations they have to you and their school. My priorities this year will focus on Child Safety and Stewardship.

Child Safety

First and foremost, it is an honour for this College that you have chosen to send your son to us. To trust us with your most valued possession is something that we do not take lightly. The single-most important way of showing you how much we value your trust is to make your son's safety our paramount priority. When a student feels safe, he will thrive. Safe from ridicule, from making mistakes, physically and emotionally safe, safe online, inside and outside of school hours. My expectation is that boys will display kindness as their default, kindness to you, their family, their peers at school and the staff who care for them. I will elaborate my meetings with them, but they should be very clear about which behaviours are accepted and encouraged and which behaviours are not.


CBC Fremantle continues to upgrade its facilities into fresh, modern and engaging learning spaces. This does not come cheaply and our boys should not only appreciate the improved amenities, they should look after them. A few new processes will be introduced this year aimed at making sure this happens, and on the occasion boys miss the mark, they will be held accountable. Wanton graffiti and vandalism by any boy should not become a cost to other families, so please discuss this issue with your son and make sure he is in no doubt about the innate goodness of leaving any place you've been in as good a state as you found it, and hopefully, better. This is especially the case with litter inside and outside the classroom.

Start of Year Information

As part of the College's Pastoral Care program, Extended Mentor will occur every Wednesday, and boys are asked to wear their House Uniform on Wednesdays this year.

Due to the exciting building works, the College Opening Mass will NOT be held this year. We thank you for your understanding, and look forward to welcoming you back to the College in 2025 for our College Opening Mass.

Please be reminded that all important information regarding Pastoral Care, timetables, and general information, is housed on the CBC Fremantle app. The College App is the primary tool to disseminate and consolidate important information. It will also be the gateway to important College services. Called CBC Fremantle, the app is available for both iOS and Android phone users.

Parents and Guardians are strongly encouraged to regularly check the App to stay up to date with the latest information.

In conclusion, can I wish each and every one of you and your sons a successful, achievement-filled year hopeful that they will continue to grow and develop into the adults who will make us all proud.

Mr Domenic Burgio