Staff on The Rite Journey

For over a decade, CBC Fremantle has been guiding Year 9 students through The Rite Journey program developed by Andrew Lines.  As the boys continue their transition from childhood to adulthood, they are called to navigate seven steps of a contemporary rite of passage to mark this change of one stage of life to another. 20231108-1h1a7017.jpg

Staff members who are trained as The Rite Journey mentors support the boys as they explore their own identities, engage in authentic conversations about relevant issues and are challenged to develop their sense of respect, responsibility, resourcefulness, and resilience.  These challenges culminate in 'The Abyss' which occurs on a camp at Bindoon in late October and involves an extended period of isolation, self-reflection and deep contemplation of the kind of adult they want to be.  The final component of The Rite Journey is a special ceremony known as 'The Homecoming', when we welcome these young adults back into our community and celebrate them as they are reunited with their families.

Recently, Allied and Teaching staff spent a day with Andrew Lines to further develop a whole school understanding of rites of passage.  While not all of us are directly involved in The Rite Journey program, it is important that everyone is aware of its composition, language and objectives.  Such knowledge empowers staff to engage with the boys from this perspective while we work with them in classes and around the College.  Andrew also reminded us of the critical importance of relational teaching in boys' schools and provided us with opportunities to share our strategies for developing positive relationships with our students.  Many staff commented that they felt uplifted and reenergised after this experience, and we look forward to similar professional development days in the future.  As part of our commitment to working in partnership with our families, we also invited Andrew to address parents from CBC and Iona Presentation College at an evening event hosted in our Gymnasium.  This is one way of aligning the messages that students receive at home and at school about being a good man, so that our entire community can support them to make good, and often counter-cultural, decisions.

The Rite Journey is undoubtedly a hugely successful program, but it is important to remember that it is part of a much bigger journey, the CBC journey from today's boys to tomorrow's gentlemen.  The College focuses on creating an environment where every student feels safe, cared for and celebrated for his achievements whatever they may be.  All our staff strive to ensure that each boy develops a sense of belonging and identity that lasts throughout their school years and beyond.  Through the attributes of a CBC gentlemen, we encourage the boys to do their best in all their undertakings, to be accountable and resilient, to develop positive and mutually beneficial relationships and to value and respect those who are different.  Our students are consistently reminded of the importance of kindness and the need to be selfless and considerate in all that they do.  As a school with Christ at its centre, Gospel values underpin our words, actions and relationships regardless of where we are on our personal faith journeys.

Tomorrow evening, we will gather as a community to celebrate Mass at St Patrick's Basilica in Fremantle at 6pm.  I once again extend a warm invitation to you and your families to join us on this special occasion.

Ms Georgina Bowler
Director of Staff
